Wednesday, June 1, 2011

End of the First Great Road Trip

I love driving while observing the beauty of mother nature and this trip gave me the perfect opportunity to perform both. The experience was immense and the pleasure was satisfactory. The end odometer reading was 290130 and that means the entire drive during past 42 days has added another 18300km. The high gas prices did not help me during the trip but when I want to do something it is close to impossible to stop me.

Now I know how huge and beautiful this country is and I also know if you have the proper respect and passion for mother nature, she will provide you with all the priceless beauties you can handle even if it is a rare sight. My favorite province is Newfoundland and Alberta still remains my least favorite place. People east of Ontario are very nice and specially in Newfoundland, everyone is your friend even if you are there for the first time. After seeing much of Quebec I know how great the people are there and I would consider learning French in very near future and revisit the beautiful province. During my drive I have been able to save a moose, a squirrel and a puppy on the highway while doing almost 110kmph.

I will go back to Nova Scotia for some more geological exploration and Newfoundland to explore the entire province properly. I would call this an epic trip and like everything else this comes to an end too. The two most important things without which I could not have been able to complete this mission are my iPhone and the Shadow Hunter. I hope you enjoyed the blog with possible multiple typos and till the next great solo road trip this is Gunjan signing off. Take care everybody and keep exploring.

Edmonton to Saskatoon (May 31, 2011)

I was feeling very low today as my trip was coming to an end. I drove out of Edmonton by noon and this was a stretch that I can probably drive with my eyes closed. It was boring and slow day for me so I tried to make it back here as quickly as possible. I kept munching on double chocolate cookies during the drive and finished a whole pack by Saskatoon. The drive was a short 5 hour one and I was back home. After unloading my jeep I was feeling way too restless to do anything. It has been amazing 42 days and now back to the reality. Time to service the Shadow and get ready for work and chase storms whenever I can and definitely prepare for my next great road trip.