Monday, April 25, 2011

A day in Ottawa (April 25, 2011)

First time after a almost a week I did not have to drive out on the highway today and that was relaxing. However, the moderate to weak flu symptoms are not helping me at the moment. I went for a walk along the river around the parliament area and also for a drive out to the city of Gatineau. I came back for a power nap during the late afternoon hours and went out again for a walk in downtown.

On my way back I decided to grab some flu medications and as soon after going inside the Shoppers I realized my Jeep key is inside and I just locked myself out with my phone inside as well. This is the last thing I needed right now. Thanks to the girl at the Shoppers for calling me the towing company for unlocking the Shadow. The whole process took almost 40 minutes. After that I had a late supper and now back to rest more for my drive to Montreal tomorrow. Here are a few snaps from today.

Alexandra Bridge

Back of the Parliament

Back of Parliament building

Alexandra bridge and the city of Gatineau

Parliament and Sussex drive

Giant spider



Alexandra and Ottawa river


Parliament area

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