Saturday, April 30, 2011

A day in Quebec City (April 30, 2011)

My target for today was to walk to Montmorency Falls which is almost 13km from my hotel. My flu is a bit better but not entirely gone yet so the decision to walk was already a bit challenging to start with. I was not very hungry in the morning either so all I took with me are 3 chocolate bars and enough water. The walk to the falls was not too bad and the park was beautiful and the falls was worth a walk. But by the time I was there, my feet was not doing so well and I was exhausted possibly due to my non-100% health condition. After walking everywhere in the park and climbing up and down the cliff I knew it will be a really tough walk back. At the end of the 26km I was definitely having a tough time climbing the last hill to my hotel and the I was also starving. Finally I made it back and went out to get supper before shutting down for the night. Tomorrow I am driving to Fredericton, New Brunswick. 

Here are a few snaps of the falls and trust me it was noisy out there. 

1 comment:

  1. Is this where the head from a pint of beer is made?
