Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Ottawa to Montreal (April 26, 2011)

The day was rather uneventful with just a short drive to Montreal. It has been raining pretty much constantly since last night and the weather should remain the same for the next few days. Given the crazy traffic in the city, it is a good thing I am staying in the downtown area and the Shadow will stay parked for the next two days while I explore the area mostly on foot. I got to heat up my food on the room radiator after a long time in this hotel room. 

The flu virus has decided to keep me company on a rainy night in Montreal while I get to watch two big hockey games. The Habs already got their win and now it is time for the Canucks to win the series. Tomorrow I will be conducting my exploration during the day time and definitely watch the 7th game with all the Habs fans here.

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