Friday, May 6, 2011

Charlottetown to Halifax (May5, 2011)

I was really unsure about this trip in the sense whether I should take he ferry or drive back the way I came from. After I got up, my mind was more inclined to the ferry so I went for it. The drive to the dock at Wood Islands from Charlottetown was really short but I made a quick stop at Prim Point. The ferry ride was very smooth and easy and took only 75mins to cross the channel.

Once I had my wheels on the land of Nova Scotia, the time just flew by as I drove to Halifax from the port in an hour. This town is the busiest so far in Maritime, however, the weather was not very cooperative. The whole way I was being pushed perpendicular to the road by a very strong cross wind as a result of the low pressure system. The rain and mist continued till late in the evening. At one point the visibility was down to almost nothing while I was walking to get supper. I arrived at the restaurant completely drenched in rain. I hung out in the downtown area all night and someone told me about a pretty UNESCO town called Lunenburg which is not too far from here. Tomorrow I will be in Halifax and might do the the trip to that town during the day if weather permits.

Prim Point lighthouse

Ferry from PEI to Nova Scotia

Wood Islands PEI

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