Monday, May 16, 2011

St. John's to Port aux Basques (May 16, 2011)

My return trip back west to British Columbia finally begins. Also this was the first time after 4 days the sky was mainly cleatr in the morning. I only had few hours of sleep last night and as soon as I was up, it was time to go back to Cape Spear which is only 17km from St. John's to catch a fog-free view of the coast line. The day was perfect for pictures. Once finished, I hit the highway as quickly as possible and except one moose jumping in front of my Jeep, it was a smooth driving on a calm road. There was also one nasty accident that I saw on my way here. The tire pressure was also not balanced properly so had to get that done when refueling in Gander. I also got a free prime rib burger from A&W because they made a mistake while processing my order so that was a decent bonus.

The rain began not too far from Port aux Basques and while waiting in my Jeep at the line to board the vessel, the a dark, soggy and cold night was a sad farewell for me. As mentioned before many times, I am definitely coming back here to explore the entire province. Currently I am sitting in the MV Highlanders which will start its overnight sailing to mainland shortly and hopefully I will be able to have a nap.

Cape Spear coast line without fog

Cape Spear coast line

Cape Spear coast line

Cape Spear area

Cape Spear

Cape Spear

View from Cape Spear trail

Cape Ray fault line by Port aux Basques

Cape Spear lighthouse

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