Saturday, May 28, 2011

Tofino to Port Hardy (May 27, 2011)

Last night I could not sleep in the tent for too long. I tried in the beginning but the rain was too hard and water started dripping inside the tent. After an hour I realized my socks, pillow and sleeping bag all are wet so had to move to my jeep for a nap. The rain continued all night and when I got up the sky was almost clear and turned out to be a rare sunny day in the rain forest. So it was time to see the area without the rain and shadow. After having a pipe tobacco on the Long Beach, I started my drive for Port Hardy.

The highway between Nanaimo and Port Hardy is quite nice and fast. The Mount Washington area was the most interesting there but the tall mountains also captured all the rain clouds and it was raining badly there. I also got pulled over by the cops today because my vehicle apparently matched the description of some other vehicle. They told me Port Hardy is a big drug trafficking town as they use this as a gate to the mainland Canada. So they also searched my vehicle just to make sure and it was all over in no time. Just before Port Hardy I saw a mama bear with her two cubs beside the road on a small ridge eating away. The mama was keeping an eye on every single car that was driving by. Tomorrow is the day of my ferry ride to Prince Rupert.

West coast topography in Pacific Rim area on a sunny day

Long beach on a sunny day

Wicker beach on a sunny day

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