Thursday, May 19, 2011

Edmundston to somewhere in northern Ontario (May 18, 2011)

I managed to complete this 1300km stressful stretch in a day with continuing rain and fog for the most part. Soon after leaving Edmundston while I was doing my short video blog on the highway, a semi in front of me blows one of its left rear tires and all I could see is chunks of rubber rushing towards my windshield. Both of the vehicles were doing 125kmph at that moment and  I did catch that interesting event on my video.

The drive took me all day with refueling stops for both the jeep and myself. I decided not to stay in a motel because I was in the familiar Precambrian shield area. I really wanted to cross Quebec before the end of the day and I achieved that goal at around 2200 hrs. Once in Ontario, I found a decent picnic spot which had all the bare essentials and fortunately my phone also worked in this bush with full 3G signal. I crashed in my jeep for the night and it was a far better sleep than in MV Highlanders. It was a very quiet and creepy dark place where I parked my Jeep right beside a lake. All I could hear is loon or wolf and all I could see is stars and their reflection in the lake water. The tranquility was absolutely priceless with a bottle of Hoegaarden.

I never enjoyed driving in Quebec because it is never relaxing and always there are too many people on the road. But still Quebec people are cool. The area around Val d'Or is quite ridiculous and I hated it because I did not expect that many towns in the middle of the shield area. The northern TransCanada highway in Quebec surely needs to be repaired. After writing this and having an apple, today I will be driving to Thunder Bay, which is just over 900km away from here.

Place where I slept in my Jeep

Laptp docking station

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