Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Port aux Basques to Edmundston (May 17, 2011)

This was a very long day which started with the ferry ride last night. The recline chairs were great and people were sleeping nicely but I always have problem napping in something that is moving so my sleep was very much insufficient. Throughout the night the vessel was honking at every two minutes or so due to constant heavy fog all the way to North Sydney. Upon arrival at the dock, the day light revealed the thickness of the fog and the visibility was down to 100 to 200 feet. The drive was a bit tough for the first few hours till the fog mostly disappeared. However, the rain continued till Edmundston and it is still raining. I also got to see the flooding in Fredericton area. In the last 36 hours I have traveled 2000km including a 200km ferry ride. I think it is time to sleep.

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