Sunday, May 15, 2011

Last day in St. John's (May 15, 2011)

I wanted to wake up early but the town was mostly invisible from the window until early afternoon due to fog. So it was pointless to drive to Cape Spear (Canada's east most point) in the fog. After the fog dissipated in St. John's I drove out and Cape Spear was fog less when I arrived. I started my walk along the trail and as I was approaching a building, I noticed a yellow sign. Seconds before reading it the fog horn which was right beside me started sounding. The sudden thousand decibel noise definitely freaked me out for a second and sure enough, the sign warns people about the fog horn without any notice. The fog engulfed the entire area shortly after that. I decided to wait and smoke some pipe tobacco and see if the fog clears up. The eerie sound of the fog horn combined with the sound of waves crashing on the rugged east coast shore line while sitting in the fog alone was definitely worth it. After a while I realized this fog is not going anywhere I just utilized the tiny windows when the fog was a bit thinner to take some pictures. Once finished, I drove to Pretty Harbour to check the area out and then back at St. John's for supper. The city of St. John's is my most favorite without a doubt even though they have the strangest intersections if you are driving. Almost 25% of the cars here got their studded tire on still and 99% of the people are super awesome. In my next trip I will drive straight to Newfoundland and spend a whole month here because this place deserves it.

Tonight is the night to get re-organized for my next few days of crazy driving.  My target is to be in the Rockies on the of May 21. 

Red conglomerate and blue Atlantic water

Cape Spear

Cape Spear

Cape Spear

Having a smoke of pipe tobacco while waiting for the fog to dissipate

Fog really never dissipated but this the east coast line looking towards St. John's from Cape Spear

Without fog this rugged coast line should be amazing

East coast line

Love catching the waves just before the break on conglomerate

Wave just before the break again

Red conglomerate and blue Atlantic

View from the Pretty Harbour trail

St. John's

Coast guard boat entering the port

St. John's and the battery

This one is dedicated to the Geo Centre (blue tilted building)

Lighthouse at St. John's port entrance

Cape Spear far away is still foggy

Coast line from Signal Hill

1 comment:

  1. that geo building will be fine when the next earth quake shifts the other buildings by 45 deg.
