Wednesday, May 25, 2011

A day in Victoria (May 25, 2011)

It is a rainy day here and this also gave me the opportunity to sleep in till noon. Believe me I needed it. Once I was up and running, first thing I wanted to do is go for a cruise. I recorded most of it with my video camera, which I have used in this trip a lot already. There were not too many places for pictures that I could find in town. This maybe mainly due to the grey day with haze. The Pacific coast is much hazier than the Atlantic coast, possibly due to the geography. When I was in PEI, this seagull was flying up and dropping something from his mouth, coming down to grab it and then doing it again. He kept on performing the same process for quite a while. At that time I did not realize what was up but today when I saw a crow doing a similar thing, it all made sense. These guys are grabbing tiny snails from the shoreline and trying to break the outer shell by dropping them on the ground from a height. Once the shell is broken, they can feast on the softer part of the creature. I found this quite fascinating. 

I was getting a bit hungry after seeing all these so decided to grab something small and have supper later. In the process of finding a place, I saw somewhere they sell oyster burgers and had to try that .After being done there, I went to visit some of my old friends at the Beacon Hill Park and fortunately it was a nice day for my friends to let me take their pictures, which I am going to post here as well. A rainy and grey day is also perfect for flower or tree photography because of their fresh look. So that is what I did all day today and not too much will happen in the evening. Although if anything interesting happens, I will add some more to my post here.

Busy pigeons of Victoria

Kids farm land

Ahh the al pacas


Mom and baby donkey


Small horses

Beacon Hill Park

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